Yesterday morning, Jason made me chocolate chip pancakes. It's kind of funny, because I've never had them before. They are just like eating a huge, soft cookie. I liked it.

I made a perfect hot, summer time snack. It's kind of like a sorbet. For this flavor, you take 1 thawed out frozen can of white grape juice concentrate, 2 C chopped strawberries and 1 t lemon juice and boil them together (stirring often) for 1 minute. Remove from heat and add to blender and blend until liquid. Freeze and when ready, scoop out. I love it! Jason said it was too sweet for him, though.

This is how I fell asleep last night. Scoutie likes to sleep on my head. Whatever looks like a very uncomfortable spot, the better for her. This is how it is every night and she loves it!

Whenever I run 13 miles, I take 2 days prior and 2 days after off of running. It worked out perfect, being a long holiday weekend. I've been getting some things done around the house and catching up on some much needed sleep. I slept until 7 today. It's going to be really bad tomorrow. We normally leave the 4th of July party around 11-12 and I'm getting up at 4 tomorrow to hit up the gym. Man, I'm going to be in a bad mood tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to keep my eyes open for work tomorrow.
What are your 4th of July plans?
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