He made it by boiling the berries with sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon. While that was on the stove, he made dumplings out of Bisquick. He put the berries in a pan and added the dumplings right on top and baked for about 1/2 hour. Yummy-ness all over my tummy!

After work, I jetted over to the gym (only a 10 minute drive). Today was all cardio day. I was suppose to do at least 1 1/2 hours of cardio, but my head was killing me. I am one of those people that don't like to take medication, not for a good reason, I'm just stubborn. So, I dealt with my cracking head while I did only 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20minutes on my abs (I usually do 3 sets, but today I only did 2 sets), 10 minutes rowing and about 10 minutes on that machine I never found out the name. I was pretty sweaty. I was trying to work even harder than normal, because I wasn't going to be at the gym as long as I normally am. It's nice to sweat. I feel accomplished when I do.
When I got home, the first thing I did was make dinner, I was starving. While I was prepping dinner, I snacked on some V8 juice. I know it may sound gross, but it is so good. I provides your daily veggies (in case you don't have time to do so, or you don't like them). If you haven't tried it yet, go out and buy some!
I browned 1 pound of ground beef. Usually I try to get some ground chicken, but I'm on a tight budget this week, and this was cheaper. In the meat, I added the squash and garlic, along with some parsley, thyme, oregano, and a small pinch of chili pepper. I mixed this all together and then drained.
I was reading the comments from yesterday about everyone's favorite dessert. It looks like everyone loves ice cream. I'm not saying I don't love it myself, but I do like carrots (not even as much). I kind of OD on them a few years back. I was going through a large bag of baby carrots once a week. If you dip them into cream cheese, they're even better (that's not what I did last night). My favorite ice cream is anything chocolate. I love chocolate brownie with chocolate chips and maybe a waffle cone in there. So good. I think I need to buy some soon. I know if I buy ice cream, it will not last long. I was thinking about something today. Isn't it messed up that they out the gym in the same parking lot as an ice cream place, Taco Bell and Burger King?
What did you have for dinner?
What do you do for cross training?
That spaghetti dish looks yummy, minus the meat though, for me. There is NO WAY I could turn down homemade blackberry cobbler. I love homemade goodies. ;)
ReplyDeletecobbler looks delish!