I tried posting last night, but for some reason, Blogger didn't want me to. That's alright, I'll update you right now. My breakfast and lunches are pretty boring during the week. I try to stick to the same 'ol thing because I like it and I know it is working. When I get tired of it, I'll change it up.
Yesterday and this morning, I started my day with the Multi grain cereal that I love so much with non fat milk. I slipped out the door and headed to work. I usually eat an apple for my pre-lunch snack. On Wednesday, my evil boss (really a sweet heart) decided to bring in store bought biscotti. I was tough for a few hours, but when everyone around you is eating and making the "yummy" noises, it's so hard to pass it up. I ended up eating 2 pieces yesterday and 2 pieces today. It was so good. I love the type of biscotti that you don't NEED coffee (because I don't drink it during the week). It was basic biscotti with almonds. It melted in my mouth. So YUMMY!!

This is my protein bar I had before my 3.5 mile run this afternoon. It is called
Balance Gold. Since I am a calorie counter, I only had 1/4 of the bar. This bar has 250 calories. That's waaay too much for a pre-workout bar for me. The flavor was chocolate peanut butter. The chocolate part was yummy, but the peanut butter part was a little chalky. That's alright, I'm going to finish it next week. It did what it needed to do, gave me energy and helped my muscles along the run.

Here is my
daily lunch (remember, I'm a calorie counter): 1 piece of whole wheat bread, with 3 slices deli chicken meat, with mustard in the center (so the bread won't get soggy while it sits the fridge at work), and loads of salad mixed greens. This with a bottle of water and I'm set until my afternoon snack. Yummy in my tummy!

Yesterday, I had 1/2 of a
Luna bar. This flavor was chocolate raspberry. These are my 2 favorite combinations. How can you not go wrong with chocolate, and of course raspberries. Raspberries are fruit, right? This bar was so sweet, it tasted like a candy bar. It only had 180 calories. I felt guilty eating it. I think I will try other flavors. The taste was GREAT!! This is something I would bring on a long run. So far, this was the best bar to get me through my afternoon workouts. I felt like I could run forever.

Here's what the wrapper looks like, go out and buy one NOW. Yesterday was the day that I upped my mileage. Since I'm not a very good runner, I'm slowly working up to my 1/2 marathon mileage (I do have until May 2011). I was running 3.1 miles, now I'm running 3.5 miles. This mileage felt like it was nothing. My legs kept going and going, like a Duracell battery. If my spin class wasn't about to start, I would have kept running. I ran another 3.5 miles this afternoon, it went well, but not as good as yesterdays run. Maybe the
Judge Judy episode was more interesting yesterday, or something (I watch this show while I'm running in the gym,). Don't get me wrong, I would much rather run outside and get some sun. Living in California, we don't really have that many seasons. Tomorrow, It's suppose to be
103 degrees. Good thing it's my rest day.

One of my favorite dinners to make during our hot, sweaty summers is pasta salad. I like to make it the night before, when it's cool. I like having it ready and cooled for me when I get home from the gym. I cooked 1.5 pounds of whole wheat small shells according to the box and rinsed. I then tossed the pasta with a tablespoon of olive oil and about a handful of Parmesan cheese.

In the pasta salad, I had canned black beans, kidney beans and white beans. I chopped up a cucumber, a medium sized tomato, some yellow squash (home grown from my boss) and some cherry tomatoes (also home grown from my boss). This combination when chilled is the best. You can add anything left over you have in your fridge. One time, I even added olives and green onions. I love being creative with food. I can't wait for cooler weather so I can start making warmer foods (that heat up the house with the yummy smells).

Here's the finished product, after a few spoonfuls were taken out. I was so hungry after my long workout yesterday, that I had 2 bowl fulls. Today, I only had 1 bowl. I was so full last night from the pasta, I didn't have a night time snack. I'm thinking the same will go for tonight. It's time to go ice my knee. It's been giving me problems as I run my new mileage. I've always had bad knees, since I was a kid. As soon as I ice it, and pop some ibuprofen, I'll be good to go.
What is you favorite summer time dinner?
What is your favorite pre-workout food?
OMG, as a 46-year old mom that made many lunches for two girls as they went through school, I NEVER thought of putting the mustard or mayo between the meat. Unbelievable. What a concept! ;)