Since I'm taking some time off to heal my foot (which is doing so much better), I am trying to enjoy my time that have now have "extra". When I got home last night, I started to prep dinner. I made hamburgers (yes, finally with real cow) and had left over salad from the Russian dinner.

I'm getting use to the salad now. It's not too bad. I just relaxed (while icing and elevating my foot) all night. Wow, did it feel good! It's weird, because last night, even if I could, I wouldn't have worked out. It was a rest night. But this morning, was a mandatory rest morning. It felt so good to sleep in (until 6).
I'm doing all I can to rest up (staying off my feet as much as possible included) because I want to be back to the normal routine by Monday. I have 10 1/2 miles on schedule (trading my long run day to hang out with a friend on Saturday).
When you take mandatory rest days (or mornings), how do you relax?
Glad you're enjoying the down time to heal up!
ReplyDeleteI am going through the same exact thing! After a speed workout last Tuesday, I felt some heel pain. This has continued on throughout the week. Archilis Tendon problem seems to be it, along with some plantar. I have been swimming and biking to try to keep off of it, icing like crazy, and streches. I also got a new pair of shoes with better heels and arches. I am going to give it another week before I start running again, I am terrified that I might pull something seriously. Good luck girl!!