Daily Routine right now: Shower, dinner, ice and blog. Here I am tonight icing my knee after dinner. I'm cuddled up in my SmartWool socks, sweat shirt and PJ's. My knee feels good, but I'm also not running, yet. I'll do another test run (actually another 5k race) Saturday. We'll see how it works for me.

Try to keep warm and comfy.
Hope your knee does well on your test run!
ReplyDeleteDo you ever do heat? I used to be a chronic icer, but I've switched over to mainly heat (after initial icing if needed) and I like it : ) Good luck on your knee. I detest injuries.
ReplyDeleteI'm icing and blogging right now! Good evening routine! :) Hope you're running soon.
ReplyDeleteSmartWool RULES! ;)
ReplyDeleteI hope it's helping!
ReplyDeleteI'm there too..I've actually been ice massaging. I think it works even better, however, you can't multi-task b/c your hand is tied up. Bummer.
ReplyDeleteHealing vibes!!! Glad it's feeling better - hope the test run goes well.
ReplyDeleteReally glad it is feeling better (hopefully by now it is totally fixed!)