Work was going well, when I started to get hungry. I had my juicy apple about 11am. As I've mentioned many times, I love chopped apples, they taste so fresh, no matter how old the apples are (most of the time).

I headed out to the gym , after work. Mondays are always my, long, tough workout days. I grabbed a treadmill in front of a TV that was showing Judge Judy. I love that show. My life doesn't have any drama (which is good), so I have to get my drama elsewhere. I ran 4 miles, slowly elevating my pace, every 1/2 mile. I finished in 42:35. Just in time for my 55 minute spin class. Since my Wednesday night spin classes have been pretty cake, this class really made me work for it.
I never really cooled down from my 4 miles. I was bright red, and pouring sweat when I walked into class. Everyone was staring at me because I was glowing in the black light. Oh well...I don't mind, stare all you want. As soon as I finished my spin class, I went to the locker room to grab my yoga mat. I had about 5 minutes before yoga was going to start. It was a another great class. Except, every time I took a DEEP yoga breath, it felt like I was breathing in water (it really burned). There was no bloody nose, or anything like that, just sometimes that happens. Strange...
On my way out of the gym, I have to cross a parking lot. There was this guy backing up as soon as I was right behind him. I love almost getting hit when I'm exhausted, sweaty and smelly. He claimed he didn't see me, but I don't believe him.
When I got home, I took care of some things, and fixed the last of the left overs for dinner. I had the last bit of the veggie hamburgers and potato salad. So good!! I have so many tomatoes, I need to pull out my tomato recipes. I can't wait!!

After relaxing on the couch for about an hour, I decided I needed to take a shower. When I got out, I had 1/2 of my honey vanilla Greek yogurt, and jazzed it up a little. I added a small handful (about 8) blackberries, about 15 mini chocolate chips, about a palm size of dried oats, and about 10 chopped almonds... oh yea, so PB too. I mixed everything very well and started chowing down. I did take a picture, but I can't seem to find it. I'll take another one tomorrow when I make this again.
Questions about the Vita Brownies / Muffins, it looks like Safeway, the Nugget, Raleys and Belair are the carriers for these yummy treats! They have so many flavors. Alright, enough of that.
I've been looking back at my training logs for this 1/2 marathon (I'm only on my 3rd month out of 11) training, it looks like my first month, I ran 26.04 miles, the 2nd month, I ran 50.28. I can't believe that I almost doubled my miles!! It's feeling great! I can't wait to go outside and run more often. I'm pretty done with the treadmill. It looks like it takes me about 1 week to run a 1/2 marathon. But that will change...I'm so excited!! There are days where I just don't feel like running, but I force myself to go out and do it. I'm always happy that I get out there. Yeah for me!!
How many miles do you run in a day / week / month?
How many miles do you run in a day / week / month?
Are you training for something? Or running just for fun?
I totaled my miles for July and I hit 101. I'm training for the Steamtown Marathon 10-10-10. Good luck to you!
ReplyDeleteMmm, I love chopped apples too!
ReplyDeleteWow - that is some serious working out on a Monday night. Great job!
I'm currently training for a marathon and running 45-55 miles per week.
I don't run mileage, but rather time, mentally it's easier for me. I typically run 3 times a week - 30 or so minute tempo run Tuesday, 30 minutes or so jog to track, speedwork, then home, and up to an hour long run on Saturdays. I'm training for sprint triathlons, so it works for me. I have the same schedule (but MWF) for the bike. I'm having a hard time fitting swim training in, can't find a place that works with my schedule.
ReplyDeletei do not have a good recipe right now for a good granola bar but i have an awesome recipe for granola!!
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, my husband and I go through 2 dozen apples a week (we buy them at Costco). We've been eating that many for about 3 years now. I crave them! ;)
ReplyDeleteI don't know what it is about apples, but I love them too! So juicy and a great flavor.
ReplyDeleteYou are so hardcore! Keep it up!