When it rains, it usually get cold (at least here it does). When it gets cold, it becomes soup season! When it's soup season, I must make some tomato soup (and have grilled cheese on the side). This soup wasn't all that great, but it was edible. This is why I'm not linking the recipe (it's for your best).
Friday night, Jason and I went to a haunted house. I haven't been to a haunted house in a bout 8 years. The last one I went to, a demented clown chased me down this dark hallway with a chainsaw. I have never been able to forget that.
Well, I faced my fears (literally). In one haunted house (there were 9 in one location), there were about 4 clowns and one was face to face with me and she honked her horn and made a creepy laugh). I hate clowns. I just couldn't get my nerve up to go into the chainsaw haunted house. Maybe next year!
On Saturday, we went to a pumpkin carving party (we didn't carve, though). It was a potluck, and I made eye balls.
I made a lot of eye balls.
They were deviled eggs with red food coloring and an olive, then the squiggles were painted with the food coloring.
I think people liked them!
What are you plans for Halloween (or what did you do)? Make anything good?
That is totally a cute, healthy idea! I'm so stealing this!