Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Waiting Game

Today is my Friday!! I came home and cleaned up some. I'm getting ready for my dr. appointment tomorrow (getting all my questions in order and stuff like that). I hate waiting. I know there is a lot of waiting when it comes to this stuff, but I just hate it. I know hate is a strong word, but I do.

This weekend, the x-mas decorations come down and things get organized and put back to "normal". I can't wait for that either. My goal is to finish the book I'm reading right now and to start a new one. I love reading. I use to hate it, as well. But, I found some books that I love and I can't put them down. These are my favorite authors!

I'll let you guys know what I know tomorrow after m appointment. Wish me luck that it's nothing major!


  1. Good luck at the doctor! I hope it's good news and you're back to running pain-free very soon!

  2. I read that Coben awhile ago, finished that Crais last night!

  3. I just stumbled upon your blog....LOVE IT!

    I am a runner who just had to drop out of the NOLA 1.2 bc of an ankle sprain.....I feel your pain, LITERALLY! I pray for good news from your visit.


    I am your newest follower-
    happy new year!
