Monday, November 12, 2012

My 600th Post!!! (& a freezing run)

This is my 600th post!!! I can't believe how the time has past. Thank you for listening to all my stuff that I talk about. I've loved all of your guys' advice you've given me over the 600 posts. 

I appreciate it!

On Saturday, my friend (and new weekend running partner) and I met up and enjoyed a freezing, cold slightly windy run. When we started, it was 40 degrees (please ignore my circles under my eyes, I didn't really want to get up early to run).

I actually remembered to wear something warm. I wore my earn warmers (a review coming soon), arm warmers (that Jason bought me a couple years ago for Christmas), gloves and my winter running socks. It all helped, but it was still pretty cold. 

3.1 miles later and we were finished. Jenny is doing a lot better. She only needed to walk 3 times (last weekend, she walked 5+ times). We cooled down (even though it didn't take long) with a walk to Starbucks. It was a pretty good morning. 

The rest of the day (yes, I did finally shower) was spent hanging out with my mom. We had a girlie day shopping and going out to lunch. It was a great weekend!!!

How was your weekend? What do you wear to stay warm during a freezing run?

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