Thursday, February 12, 2015

There's a First Time for Everything

I always have toe nail polish on. My big toe has been giving me a lot of pain and I have no idea why. When I finally took off my nail polish I saw a lot of black and a lot of discoloration!

Since my nail polish stays (nearly) perfect for a couple months (I trim my nails with the polish on), I had no idea how bad it was. I finally took off the polish saw the black  and was concerned. I still had a little pain, but not like it was a month ago. When I started clipping my nails, half of my big toe nail come off!! This is the first time this has happened to me.. 

I tried painting my toes (ready for Valentine's Day), but the polish doesn't stick too great to the skin and has been slowly coming off. 

When did you loose your first toe nail?

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