Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sports bras I'm loving!

Every time I workout, I have to cool down, dry off my sweat, and then I can breast feed Shane. I haven't had any type of workout nursing bras...until now. The very cool people at Bravado Designs were so kind to send me a couple bras to try out.

The first time I put them on, I was having a stupid moment. I couldn't figure out how to put it on. Silly me, it's pretty easy, it is just a bra.

They are super comfortable and the best chafing!! I've gone running in them a lot (more than 15 times) and never have had a problem. I don't bounce, and everything stays in place. Shane can even get fed faster.

The other cool thing about these bras is that once I'm done nursing (only about 4 more months), they turn into a normal bra. It's not wasted! It came with a "conversion". So, the detachable area gets cut off and I hook on a part that came with the package. It looks pretty simple too! Anything that makes this running mommy (of 2 boys) life easier, I'm all for it!!

I think I like the pink one best!

Which color do you prefer on me? Do you have any cool ways that make your mommy (or daddy) life easier?

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