Tuesday, March 26, 2013

For the first time this season..

I wore shorts on my evening run. See, I hate being cold (I get my hottest after my run is over). I was so excited to see that it was going to be a warm (68 degrees) and sunny day outside after work. 

Look at my face, you can see my excitement!

On weekends, I do what Jason calls my "prison workout".  He calls my workout this because you don't need any special equipment. All you need is a chair and some weights. I worked up a sweat and my legs (and booty) were beat by the time I finished! I loved it! It was so windy outside, I workout inside. 

Because my legs were still so tired, I decided against my ripped class and did an easy 5k outside instead. Since I'm not in real training (just training to keep in shape), I can cancel what I feel like my body can't totally handle and keep it relaxed, when needed. 

Tonight, I'm going to do an easy leg weight workout before my yoga class. My yoga class is so cold, I won't be wearing shorts. In fact, I may be wearing my jacket. 

Is anyone else somewhere where it's shorts weather, or you just hating me right now?  What are you training for right now?


  1. Hi Shelly! I'm a local Norcal blogger and just stumbled upon your blog! Yes, the weather has been gorgeous lately and I too wore shorts running the other day! No training going on yet but we will be doing the Electric Run in a few weeks!
