Yesterday, I went for a great, but freezing (for Cali) 3 mile run. It felt wonderful to let my legs run free outside. My lunges need to catch up with my body. I need to re-train them again. My body wanted to go further and faster, but my lunges were left in the dust trying to crawl to catch up.
I also had gloves and a jacket when I ran. I forgot to take a picture until after I started to warm up in the house.
Speaking of house, we're still waiting to hear for sure, but we've already starting packing. I'm on a count down. We have 24 days (hopefully) until we move. We're shooting for the 27th (the other date we have is Jan. 6th).
I can't wait to read all of the recaps from Vegas and I hope everyone is having a great time!! Maybe next year, I'll join everyone!
WooHoo! Happy moving!